Batu guava (Psidium guajava) and Limus mango (Batu is Indonesia and Limus is Sunda language, Indonesia) or (Mangifera foetida, Lour.) Where both the fruit can be eaten directly and juiced.
Gede orange (Citrus maxima, Merer, L). Les caractéristiques de Citrus Gede est une peau épaisse, rougeâtre chair blanche, acide taste. It est l'effet est de réduire les brûlures d'estomac, le traitement biliaire, aux hémorroïdes (constipation). Suggestion est de manger de la chair du fruit ou de jus d'orange font Gede.
Melancia mamão é sabor doce. Forma de mamão é redondo como uma melancia. As características de frutos de mamão melancia é amarela da pele, a carne é espessa vermelhos e lacrimejantes.
Bangkok Guava with a large fruit seems of Javanese guava. Some were introduced from Thailand. One is the 'guava juice'. Fruit shape is perfectly round, fruit size is greater than when mature, a large number of seeds inner of fruit.
Benefit of Bangkok Guava:
For diet who want slim body and can stop caused of tire and make health body.
Serving Suggestion:
Make Juice and or eat of flesh fruit withouth seed if dislike that seed of fruit.
Serving Suggestion:
cleaning and pounding Rodent tuber made juice and or extract it for drink.
Herbal Medicine "jamu gendong" is famous among Indonesian but only few documents about it are found. In 1998, 20 handlers including pedlar of "Jamu Gendong" in Surabaya Municipality were interviewed and observed to find out the recepies, raw materials, the usage and how to handle "jamu gendong".
The result showed that the handlers had similar knowledge about the usage of "jamu gendong". The primary raw material which composed the recepies were similar except for the ajuvant. They handled them simple and traditional. There are 8 kinds of recepies: beras kencur, kunir asam, sinom, cabe puyang, pahitan, kunci suruh, kudu laos, and uyup-uyup/gepyokan. There are two technics on producing "jamu gendong" that are first, boiling all the herbs and second, squeeze the pounded herbs and than poured into boiled water. They did not use standart measurement (kilogram etc.), on the contrary they use handfuls, pieces to estimate the proportion of recepies.